zondag 26 januari 2014

London UK Cosmetic Dentist Provides Cleaning And Whitening Tips

By John Bolton

A London UK cosmetic dentist or two, have come up with a few useful, but also healthy cleaning options for keeping smiles bright, white, and filling free. The facts are that with the ingestion of any dark substance by mouth, the teeth get in the way, and drinks such as black tea, and coffee, red wine, dark sauces and gravies will stain teeth. As will the habit of smoking.

Quite simply pearly whites need to be cleaned regularly, and whenever possible, immediately, after eating. Today home kits for bleaching may be obtained from dental offices, or even over the counter. But bleaching is an aesthetic agent, not necessarily an item people carry around in their handbags.

If there is not immediately access a toothbrush available, firm or crisp foods are known as detergent foods. The apple falls into this category, as do celery, raw carrots, and joy of joys, popcorn. The most important thing about cleaning teeth, is cleaning as soon as possible after a meal.

Xylitol gum can be a good preventative for decay, and even gum which contains sugar can clean the teeth after a meal. This might seem amazing, but is a fact. Now the world knows that chewing gum stirs up a great deal of saliva, which simply carries the sugar away from the teeth, and does this in double quick time.

One of the most important tasks for a healthy mouth is to get rid of the old toothbrush, and buy a new one every two or three months. To continue using an old brush gets old bacteria back into the mouth, and that is not want any one wants. Brushing should be gentle, the brush should be soft, and held also with a soft grip.

Having a tooth repaired or removed is not fun. So hopefully, these London UK cosmetic dentist tips could mean the difference between a visit to the chair for a thorough cleaning, or for something more serious. Also beware of new fads, lemon chewing is one currently being used for whitening, and the acid in the lemons is bad for teeth. Teeth were also not designed to be used as pliers or crush ice.

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